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WanderingTheWorld.com is all about cultural exchange, service, and adventure! We want to help people interested in the Peace Corps. We also want to help people already volunteering overseas.

Practical Tips, Inspiring Stories, and Personal Experiences

We share practical tips, inspiring tales, and personal experiences. Our writer is a current Peace Corps volunteer serving in Armenia. But he has also served in Thailand, Mongolia, and Nepal. So he understands the challenges and rewards of volunteering abroad.

Our goal is to support you on your journey. We offer application advice, packing tips, self-care ideas, cultural info, and stories from experience. We want you to have what you need for a meaningful Peace Corps adventure.

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Calling All Current Peace Corps Volunteers!

Are you a current volunteer? We'd love to feature your journey. Your unique story can motivate others. It also helps people understand the volunteer experience. Contact us if you want to share your insights.

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PCV Armenia 2023-25