Thursday is your new Sunday!
How Shifting My Planning Routine Transformed My Weekends and Boosted My Productivity
As a PCV, your job really is a 24/7 kind of thing. But how much of your free time do you spend on your job duties instead of working on your community integration, especially on weekends?
I read this suggestion and thought it was a great idea to help PCVs gain back some of their free time so that they can enjoy the community and relax more on the weekends. It's called "Thursday is the new Sunday."
How many times do you barely get through the week, then load up your backpack with things from your work to do over the weekend? And some weeks, it just builds up until you dread all the work you need to catch up on. But not only is this not healthy for your mental well-being, but it also means taking time away from your integration with your host family, your neighbors, and your community.
But here's a better idea, "Don't wait until the weekend to do the work.”
It’s tempting to believe that putting off your bigger tasks until the weekend, when things are quieter, will help you be more productive. But Sunday doesn’t have to be the day to handle all of that.
By Thursday, I generally have a clear sense of where I’m at and what needs to be done for the following week. So now, I’ve made Thursday my dedicated planning/catch-up day. I stay a bit later to get everything done.
Fridays, for me, tend to be mentally draining after a full week of teaching. That’s why I make it a point to leave on Friday without carrying home a pile of unfinished work. This way, I’m able to enjoy my weekend, and when Monday arrives, I feel refreshed and ready to take on a new week.
So, try to make "Thursday your new Sunday" and see if that doesn't free up your weekends more, and better yet, let you enjoy your new host community even better.
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Reference: How to Get Your Weekends Back as an Elementary Teacher