How Peace Corps Volunteers Can Stop Feeling Lonely: Practical Tips
Simple, effective strategies to build connections, boost your mood, and thrive during your Peace Corps service.
Being a Peace Corps volunteer can be really exciting, but many feel very lonely, especially during the first year at their permanent site. But don't worry! There are things you can do to feel better. Ali Abdaal, a YouTuber I follow, made a video about how to stop feeling lonely, and PCVs can use his ideas could help to break out of the cycle of loneliness.
1. Get Better at Talking to People
From day one when you reach staging, you're meeting new people and improving your social skills. But once you get in-country, it might take a while to learn all the new social skills because you're in a new culture. Watch, observe, and practice. PST will teach some of the basics, but keep working on them because even in your community there might be differences or nuances that will eventually open doors for you in your community. The more you practice, the better you'll get at it!
2. Be the First to Say Hi
In your new community, don't wait for others to talk to you first. Be brave and introduce yourself to your neighbors. Say hello to people in local shops. Join in when there are community events. It might feel a bit scary at first, but remember, most people are nice - they're just waiting for someone to talk to them first.
3. Make Regular Fun Plans
Try to create some fun activities that you do regularly. Maybe you could meet with a local friend every week to practice each other's languages. Or you could have a game night with other volunteers. Or join a local sports team that plays every week. When you have these regular fun things to do, it helps you feel more stable and less lonely.
4. Pay Attention to Your Feelings
Being in the Peace Corps can make you feel lots of different emotions. Try to take a few minutes each day to think about how you're feeling. Don't judge yourself for feeling sad or lonely sometimes - just notice the feeling. I use Morning Pages to acknowledge these feelings. This can help you deal with the hard times better.
5. Help Other People
As a Peace Corps volunteer, you're already helping others. But try to find even more ways to help in your community, maybe outside of your primary work assignment. Maybe you could help local kids with their homework, or join in when there's a community clean-up day. When you focus on helping others, you might find that you don't feel as lonely yourself.
Remember, it's okay to feel lonely sometimes when you're in the Peace Corps. But you don't have to feel that way all the time. If you try these ideas and keep working on making friends, you can have a great time in the Peace Corps with lots of new friends!
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Reference: How to stop feeling lonely (forever)