As a new Peace Corps volunteer, people are finally treating you like a real adult. But this amazing beginning is still going to have a lot of challenges and bumps along the way. People say the Peace Corps is a transformative event. This is not only because of a PCV's service but also because of the work they did on themselves. And to jumpstart that transformation, here are some 'micro habits' that can change your life, 'one small step at a time!'
How "Atomic Habits" by James Clear defines Micro Habits
Micro habits are small, easy actions that take very little effort but can lead to big, long-term results. The easier the list of tasks, the easier it is to keep at it day after day.
Identify your goals.
Break goals down into smaller goals
KISS "Keep it simple, stupid"
Make a Habit tracker
Get excited when goals are met!
Some Micro Habits that can improve your life!
Morning Micro Habits:
1. Gratitude journal: write either first thing in the morning, or last thing at the end of the day.
2. Drink 1-2 glasses of water first thing in the morning
3. No more snooze button! If you set the alarm, then get up then, not later
4. Making Your Bed gets you moving and is an easy way to start the day.
6. Do some easy stretches to loosen up the body.
7. Write some 'Morning Pages'
8. Even a few minutes of mediation can make a big difference.
Daytime Micro Habits:
9. Get up and move around at least once every hour (especially if you sit all the time)
10. Smile and genuinely greet people you see both at work and on the street.
11. Eat mindfully - no distractions, no talking, no phone, no computer screen - just you and the food.
12. Every meal, thank the cook for preparing the meal for you.
13. Stay hydrated - and keep a habit tracker to make sure
14. Use Focus Mode on your phone when you don't want to be distracted.
15. Take care of Peace Corps emails from staff immediately so you don't forget.
Evening Micro Habits
16. Connect with one person in your support system: PCV, friends, family, etc
17. Write a to-do list for the next day
18. Wash the dishes before you go to bed.
19. Watch comedy shows in your host country's language
20. Read a book before bed instead of surfing the internet.
21. Forgive anyone who might have wronged you and let it go
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Reference: 40 Micro Habits To Transform Your Life, One Tiny Step At A Time!